News & Events
News & Events
[2025-01-13] Four workshop papers and three posters have been accepted for the IEEE VR 2025 conference.
[2025-01-10] Ryan and Kangsoo participated in the InterFACE-AR Team workshop at IMSH 2025.
[2025-01-10] Ryan (and the InterFACE-AR Team) received a grant at the INSPIRE Shark Tank Competition during IMSH 2025.
[2025-01-08] Farewell for Michael and Anh
[2025-01-03] Zaid joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher.
[2025-01-03] Jessica begins her MSc program in BME.
[2025-01-03] Michael successfully defended his MSc thesis.
[2024-12-23] Two papers have been conditionally accepted for the IEEE VR 2025 conference in the TVCG journal track.
[2024-12-13] Taeyeon successfully completed his visiting research through the Mitacs GRA program.
[2024-12-13] Michael successfully completed the second seminar for his MSc thesis research.
[2024-11-19] Muskan was elected as the VP Academic Associate of the Electrical and Software Engineering Graduate (ESEG) Society.
[2024-11-16] Hyeongil and Kangsoo participated in CIHR-funded Inuit Hub project workshop, and discussed the project directions and showcased VR/AR demos.
[2024-11-12] Muskan, Anh, Ryan, and Hyeongil demonstrated multiple in-house VR/AR applications at UCalgary XR Open House event.
[2024-11-08] Svara has joined our lab as an undergraduate researcher.
[2024-11-07] Ryan received first place at the IPSSV 2024 Shark Tank competition for his presentation, "The Augmented Resuscitation Assistant."
[2024-11-01] Omar won the Faculty of Science Award at the Undergraduate Research Symposium for a presentation of his summer research project.
[2024-10-25] Hyeongil, Muskan (remotely), Anh, and Kangsoo attended ISMAR 2024 in Seattle, where we presented our papers and demo.
[2024-10-20] Hyeongil presented his WatchBuddy paper at ISUVR 2024 at the University of Washington.
[2024-10-04] Dr. Heejin Jeong visited our lab and gave a talk about the recent and ongoing research in his lab.
[2024-09-23] Taeyeon has joined the lab as a visiting graduate student through the Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA) program.
[2024-09-16] Jessica has joined the lab as a research intern.
[2024-08-28] Mehak presented her summer research at 2024 ACHRI/Owerko Centre Summer Student Research Symposium.
[2024-08-23] Two demo papers and one poster paper have been accepted at IEEE ISMAR 2024.
[2024-08-15] Ahmad joined the lab as a PhD student.
[2024-07-16] Five conference papers have been accepted at IEEE ISMAR 2024.
[2024-05-31] Hyeongil returned to the lab as a post-doctoral researcher.
[2024-05-07] Muskan started her PhD.
[2024-05-01] Omar, Anh, and Mehak started their summer research programs.
[2024-03-16] Muskan, Ryan, Omar, and Dr. Kim attended IEEE VR 2024, and presented our research works.
[2024-03-11] Omar and Mehak got Alberta Innovates SRS and Alberta Children’s Hospital BME grants for their research experience this summer.
[2024-02-06] There will be a Research Demo session and an XRIOS workshop co-organized by Dr. Kim at IEEE VR 2024.
[2024-02-06] Three posters and two workshop papers have been accepted at IEEE VR 2024.
[2024-01-19] A journal article written in collaboration with the HCI Lab at the University of Delaware has been accepted for publication in Computers & Graphics (CAG): XR Technologies for Healthcare and Wellbeing.
[2023-12-22] A journal article about a virtual dairy farm simulation, which Anh and Michael have been leading, has been accepted at Computer & Graphics Journal.
[2023-11-07] A journal article that we collaborated with Dr. Changgu Kang has been accepted at IEEE Access.
[2023-10-15] Kangsoo and Seoyoung attended and made presentations at IEEE ISMAR 2023 and ISUVR 2023.
[2023-10-01] Michael won 1st place and Anh, Muskan, and Omar won 3rd place in the Project VOICE Hackathon, hosted by IEEE SAS SIGHT; their solutions used the HoloLens and AR to help people with autism communicate and learn.
[2023-09-04] Hyeongil and Kisub (HYU) joined the lab as visiting graduate research students from Korea through Mitacs Globalink Research Award.
[2023-08-21] Two conference papers and one poster were accepted at IEEE ISMAR 2023.
[2023-08-17] Seoyoung (KAIST) and Chaeheon (GNU) joined the lab as visiting graduate research students from Korea through Mitacs Globalink Research Award.
[2023-08-07] Kangsoo gave a talk at SIGGRAPH 2023 BoF: Digital Twin and Open XR.
[2023-07-20] Kangsoo received the AKCSE Early Achievement Award at CKC 2023.
[2023-07-17] Ryan and Kangsoo attended and gave research presentations at CKC 2023 in Ottawa.
[2023-05-02] A journal article has been published at Springer Virtual Reality (VIRE).
[2023-03-25] XRIOS 2023 has been finished successfully.
[2023-03-25] Three workshop papers and one poster paper were published at IEEE VRW 2023. (Publications)
[2023-03-17] Anh and Omar got PURE and NSERC USRA grants for their research experience this summer.
[2023-03-01] Dr. Changgu Kang (GNU, S. Korea) joined the lab as a visiting researcher.
[2023-02-04] Two workshop papers were accepted at XRIOS 2023.
[2023-01-03] A book chapter was published at Springer Handbood of AR. "The Augmented Reality Internet of Things" (Publications)
[2022-12-26] Dr. Kim is organizing The 2nd XRIOS Workshop at IEEE VR 2023. The submission is open.
[2022-12-20] Movie night! Avatar: The Way of Water.
[2022-11-11] A journal article was published at ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP). "Virtual Big Heads in Extended Reality" (Publications)
[2025-01-10] InterFACE-AR Team Workshop @ IMSH 2025
[2025-01-10] Ryan's INSPIRE Shark Tank Presentation @ IMSH 2025 (Grant Awarded!)
[2025-01-08] W2025 Kick-off Meeting & Farewell for Michael and Anh
[2025-01-03] Michael MSc Thesis Exam
[2024-11-20] Undergraduate Research Symposium
[2024-11-16] Inuit Hub project workshop
[2024-11-12] UCalgary XR Open House Demos
[2024-11-07] Ryan's IPSSV 2024 Shark Tank Presentation - First Place Winner!
[2024-10-25] IEEE ISMAR 2024 in Seattle
[2024-10-20] Hyeongil's WatchBuddy presentation at ISUVR '24 (@UW)
[2024-10-18] Game night!
[2024-10-04] ASU Dr. Heejin Jeong's talk
[2024-09-05] Semi hiking
[2024-08-28] 2024 ACHRI/Owerko Centre Summer Student Research Symposium
[2024-08-15] Muskan's small birthday celebration
[2024-03-21] IEEE VR 2024 in Orlando
[2024-03-17] Kennedy Space Center
[2023-10-20] IEEE ISMAR 2023 in Sydney